21 Jan 25
Now open as a Warm Hub!
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Llandrindod Foodbank managed to secure some funding to enable us to open as a Warm Hub this Winter. We are open at the Foodbank times and on a Monday morning, 10 till12. We have games, puzzles, books and magazines and tea and coffee available, and lots of opportunities to chat. Feel free to pop in […]
21 Jan 25
New Job Opportunity!
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Llandrindod Foodbank and Advice Centre, based at Oasis, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5ER, has an exciting new part time job opportunity. We are looking to appoint a new Community Organiser to work within the foodbank as well as the local community and so much more! For a full job spec and application form, please email [email protected] […]
24 Jan 23
Thank You!
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Thank you to everyone that has supported us over the past few months. We are so grateful but also realise that these are very difficult times for everyone, which makes your donations so much more meaningful. Over Christmas we were able to give over 30 Christmas dinner hampers to those who would otherwise not had […]
26 Apr 22
Coming soon
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The refurbishment work on our new premises is almost finished. We’ll update you soon with progress in the new building.
12 Apr 22
Open as usual
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We have gradually been re-opening the foodbank for the general public to once again access our support in person We are now able to have people visiting to collect their parcels again We are reducing the amount of deliveries that we are doing. We will still continue to deliver if the situation requires it due […]
6 Dec 21
We Have Moved!!
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Llandrindod Foodbank has finally moved into our new premises! Although the building is by no means finished we are now operating out of Oasis, Spa Road, Llandrindod, LD1 5ER (the old nightclub to the rear of the Commodore Hotel) Thank you to everyone that has made this possible so far. The builders will be moving […]
21 Sep 21
Donating to the Foodbank
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Thank you very much to everyone who kindly donates food to our Foodbank. Our local community is so supportive of our work and we are very grateful. If you are planning to donate some food to the Foodbank, we would like to tell you what items we need and what we have plenty of. Items […]
10 Aug 21
Great News!
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We are really pleased to say that we have been granted planning permission for the refurbishment of our new Food Bank. We are a few steps closer to moving!
28 Apr 21
October to March Figures
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From the 1st October 2020 to the 31st March 2021 Llandrindod Foodbank helped to feed 1969 people making a total for the year of 3929 people. Obviously a large proportion of these were due to the pandemic with families suffering more than most. We hope to see the return to more ‘normal’ figures in the […]
2 May 20
Increase in Need and Food
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Here at Llandrindod since the 1st March this year we have seen an enormous increase in the call on the Foodbank. It has gone up over 200% on last year. However the amount of food coming in has matched the need and more!! Our local supporters have not stopped giving and we are also receiving […]